Parked at the Folding Mountain Brewery, we set off to the trail head. It is 800 meters west on the highway. A hiker sign greets you. A few meters into the trail and small Folding Mountain sign shows you the way.

We marched our way through the forest. It's always a treat to break out of the trees to see the neighbouring mountains. Here is the moon hanging over Mount Jaques with Roche a Perdrix just to the right.

We kept our snowshoes in tow as we were going to be prepared for anything on this hike. Especially snow. Here is Jill taking a little break on the trail.

We powered through the ridge and forest and we have the summit in our sights.

There's always time for a quick selfie. Then we get a move on.

The last push to the summit. The slope is steep and there is a lot of scree. It's best to hit the ridge up to the left rather than taking the scree to the right.

The summit! Gotta love that untouched snow. Also, gotta show off the Folding Mountain Brewery beverages.

I love the folds of the valleys and the peaks behind.

We ventured beyond the peak to explore the forever ridge.

Here is a unique view of the peak the rock folding near the peak.

Holding the beer up high. The horizon always throws me off for straightening the photos. Jill is standing straight but when you take in the whole scene, it seems slanted. That's what the big mountains do next to the foothills.

Some strange clouds. Looking down at the foothills and the prairies far in the distance. Hinton within sight.

The summit box contains a few goodies! Here's Han Solo on the frozen wasteland of Hoth. He's ready for anything. We drank our summit beers, had a snack and made our way back down the mountain. The forest ridge feels like such a long hike.

Taking in the last views before we head back into the trees. The nearest mountain across the valley is Roche a Perdrix. I want to get up there. Looks like a challenge!